ITSC 2024 Paper Abstract


Paper WeAT7.3

Liu, Fanping (Beijing Jiaotong University), Wang, Di (Beijing Jiaotong University), Shang, Du (Beijing Jiaotong University), Su, Shuai (Beijing Jiaotong university)

A Coordinative Control Method for Virtually Coupled Train Set with Considering Time-Varying Packet Loss

Scheduled for presentation during the Invited Session "Control, Communication and Emerging Technologies in Smart Rail Systems I" (WeAT7), Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 11:10−11:30, Salon 15

2024 IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), September 24- 27, 2024, Edmonton, Canada

This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on March 6, 2025

Keywords Cooperative Techniques and Systems, Theory and Models for Optimization and Control, Other Theories, Applications, and Technologies


Virtual coupling (VC) has garnered significant attention in railway research in recent years. The development of coordinative control for the virtually coupled train set (VCTS) stands as a pivotal technology in achieving VC. VCTS coordinative control relies on train-to-train (T2T) communication to maintain safe distances and synchronize movements. Packet loss significantly influences communication quality, which can cause VCTS deviation from expected state and result in poor tracking performance. To address the packet loss that may occur during the operation of VCTS, this paper proposes a numerical method to analyse the impact of time-varying packet loss on the coordinative control of VCTS. To begin with, a VCTS train dynamic model with considering controller delay is established. After that, a Markov jump linear system model is then developed to simulate time-varying packet loss in T2T communication networks, allowing for an analysis of its impact on VCTS operation control. Furthermore, the expectation of the system state and the expectation of the covariance matrix are used to perform the analysis of the local stability conditions of the VCTS. Finally, the effectiveness of the coordinative control method for VCTS based on the consideration of packet loss is verified through simulation experiments.



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