ITSC 2024 Paper Abstract


Paper ThAT3.3

Schneider, Jakob (Technical University Munich), Pointner, Markus (Technical University Munich), Paper, Anna (Technical University Munich), Lienkamp, Markus (Technische Universität München)

Mission Distribution: Cost-Efficient Battery Sizing and Dispatching of Battery Electric Long-Haul Trucks Considering Daily Distance Variance

Scheduled for presentation during the Invited Session "Sustainable Electrified Road Transportation" (ThAT3), Thursday, September 26, 2024, 11:10−11:30, Salon 6

2024 IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), September 24- 27, 2024, Edmonton, Canada

This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on December 26, 2024

Keywords Commercial Fleet Management, Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage and Control Systems


This study analyzes the impact of different mission distributions on the cost-optimal battery size and quantifies the potential for SOH-informed dispatching. Focusing on the long-haul use case, we show the variance in the mission length in real-world data and analyze the impact of the purchasing decision regarding the battery size for a freight forwarder. The individual mission distribution, which primarily affects energy costs and battery aging, is modeled using a longitudinal dynamics model, a semi-empirical aging model and is incorporated into a cost model. When varying both the mean and variance of the distributions, the results show a cost reduction potential when reducing the variance in the mission length, while the value for the cost-optimal battery size is decreasing. Nevertheless, the impact of potentially choosing the wrong battery size increases with less variance. Furthermore, this study quantifies the potential of adjusting the mean value of the mission length to the current SOH of the battery, demonstrating a potential cost reduction of up to 0,04€/km for high fast charging prices. This study highlights the economic potential of intelligent dispatching regarding battery size and SOH, offering significant implications for enhancing operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness for the long-haul use case.



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