Paper ThP4L
Eskandarian, Azim (Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU))
25th Anniversary Celebration of Scholarly Activities of ITSS by a Panel of Editor-In-Chiefs
Scheduled for presentation during the Plenary Session "25th Anniversary Celebration of Scholarly Activities of ITSS by a Panel of Editor-in-Chiefs" (), Thursday, September 26, 2024,
−, Hall C
2024 IEEE 27th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), September 24- 27, 2024, Edmonton, Canada
This information is tentative and subject to change. Compiled on December 26, 2024
The IEEE ITS Society is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024-25 on various occasions, including its premier Conferences. This Plenary session focuses on the ITS Society’s scholarly activities and their impact on ITS research worldwide for a quarter of a century. In this session, we celebrate the scientific contribution of the ITS Society through its transactions. An expert panel of all present and past editor-in-chiefs of all ITS Society’s Transactions, Journal, and Magazine discusses the history, initiation, contributions, and progressive nature of the various venues that have disseminated the latest ITS research, tutorials, editorials, and discoveries. After a preliminary moderated conversation, an interactive session with these editor-in-chiefs allows the audience to ask these experts questions and provides an opportunity for brief scholarly exchanges.